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奧丁·海默鋼琴由德國人鮑爾·海默(Bauer hymer)和瑞典人埃裏克·斯文森(Erik Swensen),創立于十九世紀六十年代,距今已有100多年的曆史,他們于1860年在萊比錫創辦了鮑爾·海默鋼琴制造廠,1919年工廠遷往德國首都柏林郊區。在近現代鋼琴的改良發展過程中,起到了舉足輕重的作用。

The ODIN HYMER piano, which has the history of more than 100 years, was founded in the 1860s by the German Bauer hymer and the Swedish Erik Swensen in Leipzig , in 1919 the factory moved to Berlin, Germany. It played an important role in the development and improvement of modern pianos.

德国人 鲍尔·海默(Bauer hymer)


German Bauer humer

One of the founders


The performance piano in the court


Ever piano has its own soul


Born in a family of musical instrument artisan, Bauer Hymer worked with his father at the Prussian Royal Musical Instrument Factory. In these days, he learn the exquisite craftsmanship of piano making and accumulated a lot of experience. After his father died, Bauer Hymer founded his own musical instrument company in the north of Leipzig, and began to manufacture the unique piano. With his exquisite skills and flexible business model, his piano was recognized by all, and is famous among the Prussian nobles, until he met Swedish musician Eric Svensson.

埃裏克·斯文森出生于瑞典西部沿海的哥德堡,是瑞典皇室貴族的後代。早年就學于斯德哥爾摩皇家音樂學院(Stockholm Musikkonservatorium),隨博姆(Jan van Boom)學習鋼琴。後曾在哥本哈根,隨紐珀特(Edmund Neupert)學習。不久後到維也納遊學,埃裏克·斯文森在鋼琴制造方面有獨到的理解,結合當時英國式鋼琴獨有的擊弦機鋼琴,觸鍵感覺較重,手感好,聲音渾厚深沈的特點,改良歐洲大陸鋼琴。

Eric Svensson was born in Gothenburg on the western coast of Sweden and is a descendant of the Swedish royalty. In the early years, he studied piano under Jan van Boom at the Stockholm Musikkonservatorium, then he studied with Edmund Neupert in Copenhagen, Soon after, He went to Vienna. Eric Svensson understanding of piano structure, combined with the unique British piano at that time, he improved the European continent piano.

瑞典人 埃里克·斯文森(Erik Swensen)


Swede Erik Swensen

One of the founders


At a royal dinner party, the two masters met each other, and shared their knowledge of piano manufacture, and they finally work together. In 1860 they co-founded the Odin MYHER piano and defined the brand name with the Norwegian mythology surname to represent it’s noble. Usually, it takes half a year for them to build a piano by handwork. The excellent quality is in each of their piano. With the high-quality pianos produced, the brand has an outstanding position in the musical instrument. In the second half of the 19th century, The Odin HYMER piano became the outstanding brand of the German piano, and was purchased and used by the royal family.

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